Search Results for "Winner"


Fan's Fantasy Falls Flat - PDF

Fan's Fantasy Falls Flat
Price: 6.00
(Artwork: Carlos)

When Super FBB fan Dave gets front row seats to cheer on his favorite rippling hard musclegirl to First Place, he incurs the Wrath of the Second Place winner, Kasie, who proceeds to follow him back to his hotel room to teach him a Very Hard lesson. With hold after crushing hold she harshly bends and twists and mangles his body, getting her Payback on him for causing her to lose, making sure in the end that he is in her corner for next year's show, cheering her to victory - Or Else! Very cool artwork by Carlos on this one!

Super FBB fan front row seats favorite rippling hard musclegirl First Place Wrath Second Place winner Kasie hotel room Very Hard lesson crushing hold bends twists mangles Payback lose corner show victory artwork Carlos

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College Amazon Adventures (Part 1) - PDF

College Amazon Adventures (Part 1)
Price: 6.00
(Story & Artwork: James Stilton)

When a trio of titanic teenage musclegirls (and college roommates) return to school, stories of their summer's sexy exploits are excitedly told to one another! In this first part of the series, busty amazon Vanessa tells of how after losing a local beauty pageant (as if), she soon discovered the corrupt ringleader having his way with the winner! Well that doesn't sit well with the statuesque supergirl, who then proceeds to show him her Amazonian form is clearly the winner of Any contest! Incredible artwork and text by none other than James Stilton from on this one!

trio titanic teenage musclegirls college roommates school summer sexy exploits busty amazon Vanessa beauty pageant corrupt ringleader winner statuesque supergirl Amazonian form contest artwork James Stilton

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Steve, Julie And Cara (Part 1) - TEXT

Steve, Julie And Cara (Part 1)
Price: 2.00
(Story: Nadia Black)

Tall and muscular Steve is the Heavyweight Mixed-MMA Champion in the world, with Julie (a stunning red-headed model) by his side, he is literally living the dream! That is until Cara re-enters his life, a statuesque, musclebound Amazon if there ever was one, who was not only taking the Mixed-MMA league by storm, but also causing his gorgeous girlfriend to become obsessed with her! Thoughts of Steve's manhandling of Cara in their high school days flowed about his mind, causing him anxiety and concern, while such stories only served to arouse Julie even more! Before long a match between them has been set up, but is a winner chosen before the fight ever begins!?

Tall Muscular Steve Heavyweight Mixed-MMA Champion World Julie Stunning Red-headed Model Living the dream Cara Re-enters Life Statuesque Musclebound Amazon Taking Mixed-MMA league Storm Gorgeous girlfriend Obsessed Thoughts Manhandling High school days Anxiety Concern Stories Arouse Match Set up Winner Chosen Fight

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